Your choice of a perfect handbag for the occasion says a lot not only about your fashion sense but also about your personality. If you feel particularly attracted to one type of bag over the other models in the shop, it says more about your values and things, which are important for you than you would think.
Check how other people see you based on the purse you are usually carrying to the occasion and learn how to make a good impression, let your bag speak for yourself. Changing your personal style can start by changing your everyday bag, so if you are looking for good tips on how to improve your fashion looks start from choosing the most optimal bag for you.
If you carry a clutch to a cocktail party, brunch or a wedding reception then you certainly know the rules of pairing purses with the occasion and your goal is to always look as elegant as possible. The fact that you have a different purse for different occasions is also an indication that you are into designer bags for women and you know how to find exactly what you are looking for. You are chic and discretely organized; you like to emphasize your feminine features, you are confident and feel comfortable in your own skin.A tote bag
You are a “one bag for all occasions” type of woman and you like to carry all the essentials with you even if you do not need them. Instead of making a selection, you constantly add things to the list of the personal belongings you must have with you at all times. You are probably a little bit disorganized, you prefer casual to elegant style and you feel you are constantly on the run. You do not care that much about high fashion or you have a very creative attitude to current trends in designer bags.A cross-body bag
Despite your age, you still feel like a young girl and you prefer natural and casual style to the high fashion glamour. You have a good sense of what kind of things you need at the moment and you do not carry too much stuff with you. Sometimes you find yourself at war with current fashion trends since convenience and comfort are most important for you. Although you travel light, you always come prepared. You are playful and fun to be around.A Birkin bag
If you carry one of the luxurious designer purses it means that you are heavily into fashion and you are probably a little bit obsessed with handbags and purses. You like to enhance your social status and you enjoy the luxury of the best fashion brands. Elegance and style are most important for you – even in your most casual outfits, you like to look classy and chic. You have very strong opinions about everything and sometimes you might seem a little bit judgmental. People admire your sense of style and you feel confident about your fashion choices.I have to admit, I am totally in love with cross-body bags. I always check the latest bags news and see which styles are in trend each year, but no matter what models appear, I always go towards the cross-body type.
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