How to make sure that your roof is ready for winter

As the dreaded season's turn, winter starts looming upon us, making us think, are we prepared for the cold to come? Preparing for the cold nights and dark days can seem glum, however, when it comes to preparing your home, if your area suffers from torturous winters, it can be crucial. One thing that you don’t need to go wrong during the winter months is your roof, the one thing that can protect you from any rain, and cold.

So, how can you prepare your roof?

 If your roof is slightly older, it would be worthwhile to get roofing contractors round to check everything over. You may not be able to see if there is a problem, which could lead to bigger problems in the future. Even if there is a minor issue with your roof, as soon as the weather turns colder and icier, those small issues can become major.

 If you have a chimney in your home, ask your roofer to check this out while they are checking over the roof. If they notice that any bricks or mortar are missing, this will have to replaced immediately. 

If your winter has been harsh, look into hiring your roofers to come and check over everything after winter has passed, giving you peace of mind that everything is ok for the rest of the year.

 There are tasks that you can do yourself, such as ensuring that your gutters are clear. Blocked gutters before harsh weather can cause large amounts of damage to your roof and your exterior walls. Make sure that your gutters are tightly attached as well as clear and unblocked.

Another task to do yourself is heading up into the loft, there are some checks that you can point out that could help you determine your current roofs state.

- Look at the insulation in your roof, is it evenly distributed? You don’t want to be losing heat, however, if that heat is trapped it can have a detrimental effect on your tiles and shingles.
- Look around for any sunlight peeping through, you don’t want Gail force winds and rain entering your loft space.
- Review your ceiling to see if there are any watermarks, if there is, your roof could have a leak.
- Take a look at your roof tiles from below, if you spot any that are loose, these will be needing to be replaced before winter.

Finally, when those winter months come around to make sure to monitor your roof, the cold weather will take a toll on whichever roof style you have, tiles, shingles or a flat roof. You may need some small roof repairs.

If you see any change in your roof either on the exterior or interior, make sure you contact your local roofer as soon as possible.

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